

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Time flys

May 31, 2014
Didn't see a rainbow today but sure looked for one. I found this picture and decided I would have my rainbow anyway. I think about promises when  I see the rainbows, the day we buried my son, Shannon I saw the most vivid incredible one ever in my life. It was God speaking to my broken heart. I did not think that at the time but the Little Rock paper published the picture of it and I have it laminated. Rainbows are certainly blessings!
Tori had her 16th birthday, May 18. we did not have a family dinner but today I was finally able to spend some time with her at the coffee shop and give her the birthday gifts I had saved for her. We had a great visit. She is such a sweet young lady, blessed with a huge amount of talent. She is a bit quirky , love how she communicates with me. I believe she has a mind of her own and will make her on decisions in life. She is her own self and doesn't feel she has to be like others around her, I call that a double dip of self confidence ! My prayer for her is to drive safely, to follow her dreams, know she is loved and to show kindness to others. Most of all to remember that she does not have to worry and Jesus will carry her. Thankful for being this humans grandmother!!!

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