

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Winter Storm 2011

The past 48 hours have been interesting to say the least. The weather people predicted North West Arkansas would only receive about 3-6 inches of snow, last I heard before going to sleep night before last (Feb.8) I had a feeling this could be wrong because the weather people seldom get it right. But it was very shocking to wake up to an amazing deep snow. Not much of a chance the hospital would close  so off to work we went. I stepped out the door and the snow was almost to my knees!! Not sure about the amount in inches but at least a foot! Jeanette and I started out to work and made it without too much trouble, we had to stay in the ruts to drive. We worked as fast as we could so we could head back to her place. The snow never quit, it was steady all day until late afternoon, I believe there was at least 24 inches and of course the drifts were every place. The trip home was not easy, we even passed a car going the wrong way in our lane (rut) The road to her house was plowed and the snow was pushed right up to her drive way! It was like driving through a mountain. It took a few attempts to make it up the drive and into the garage,
I have lived my entire life in Arkansas , we do not usually have much snow. I remember some bad winters in the seventies. Once we got a big snow
that month.
Snow is beautiful when one is able to stay inside and keep warm. I think about snow flakes and how unique each one is. This is how God made them, just like people no two are the same.I am thankful for the beauty of snow but since my days of playing in it are over, it is a relieve when it ends. I know there are many folks cold, animals and birds are hungry. It makes travel in Arkansas difficult because we do not have the many \snow plows or snow blowers or preparation like the northern states.
I am thankful and blessed to live in a lovely state that certainly has more warm sunny days than some.
This winter weather may break records, I do hope the worst of this winter is over!!

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